Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Today needn't have been any more special than any other day, but in the end, it was.
I received lovely messages from the people I hold nearest and dearest.
I had a charming backyard picnic with one of my best friends, with homemade cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches (cut into little triangles, of course), brownies, speculoos biscuits, and other culinary delights.
I watched countless funny animal videos with her, followed by Finding Nemo, all the while giggling and carrying on like twelve year olds.
I then made a delicious meal with another best friend, my mama, and finished just in time to run downstairs and greet yet another of my favourite people.
I was met with a bottle of wine, a bunch of flowers, and the words "Am I doing it right?"
I got to enjoy yet another Disney classic, Mulan, after laughing until I almost cried at The Producers.
I could not wipe the giddy smile off my face all night, and it still lingers at the corners of my lips and eyes.
I didn't expect to have such a wonderful day, but when I am surrounded by such beautiful people, I am not surprised that I did.
I, for the first time in my life, like Valentine's Day.
But what I would like more, is if people didn't need a commercial excuse for a holiday to express kindness, friendship, and love.
Please, let every day have the possibility to be the sweetest day of your year.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Remember Me.

I thought all I wanted was to forget you.
But, oh, how wrong I was.
I can feel it happening. You're slipping away.
Flashes, and blurs, without substance.
I can picture the words, but not the voice.
The bottle, but not the scent.
The shell, but not the contents.
The look, but not the feel.
You are fading.
I am fading.
These memories are no longer mine.
They belong to you, if you so choose.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Old Flame

You still have this way of haunting me, even though you're still breathing. And there are some times I wish you weren't, but there are others when all I want is just to share one more breath, and be done with it. You all crowd my head, and you cloud my vision, and I can't see what is staring me right in the face. I'm all choked up and you're doing just fine, but I wish I wasn't and I wish you weren't, and I wish I knew just what I wanted.

I don't want any of this.
I don't want any of you.
Just stop.