Monday, May 10, 2010

So I think

this is the first actual blog-like post I've written.
I never really thought of this as a place for straight-up personal thoughts, in a way that it's just like I'm talking to the internet. (Hello internet).
And seriously this is really weird because anyone could read this, and I know some of the people that will (Hello followers) but it's like I'm just talking to the internet itself, which is basically the universe. Nothing is sacred.

But all that aside, the point of this is I think to have a post that has my raw thoughts, written before I make them all nice and fancy and self-proclaimed 'poetic'. Also I cbf making a tumblr which seems to be the real place for this kind of aimless meandering outlet.

SO! Long story short I don't have facebook on weekdays, and it hasn't bothered me until now, but today is one of those days where I really want to talk to someone, and I have already spent the majority of my credit on said person. And I didn't mean to get myself into this, but I think everyone has at least once known that person that just makes them smile. And you could talk to them non-stop and not notice that several hours have passed, and you haven't done anything productive in that time but made yourself happy. Which I think should be far more important than English essays and Art backup, but there's high school for you. So I'm currently rather unhappy, and expressing this unhappiness through this here blog. Evidently.

However, I think the moral of the story is that it's definitely possible to have too much of a good thing. Not getting what I want is in turn good for me, because I don't want to be desensitised and start taking this for granted, and to make my parents happy I'm going to throw in that I don't want to fuck up year 12 and should be utilising my time doing homework and other such laborious activities. Basically writing this has made me realise I need to suck it up and stop relying on other people to make me happy, but I should still let myself be happy if that's what my brain wants. Or something. I have a feeling that last sentence was totally unrelated. Yeah? Mad.

Now, goodbye followers/random blog readers/stalkers/internet/universe.
If you like this post, let me know so I know whether I should write another one some time?
Or I can stick to my usual sentimental crap.
Choice is yours!
Well not really, because this is my blog.
Goddamn this was a bad idea.


  1. I like this, because its more real. But i also like your poet stuff.

    And i have to say i think i know where you're coming from. Last year it drove me insane not being with people. But i've become happy in my solitude. Its kind of like, you don't want your own company cos you have it all the time, making you value it less. But if you sit down and just sit with it, it can actually be pretty good.
    I don't know if that makes sense. But i know what i mean.

  2. alex nguyen likes your blog post

  3. I know what you mean Sophat.
    Totally and completely.
    And thanks mangz ;D
